life mOvements - exercises for everyday moods is a handbook of activities for all types of caregivers. Whether they are taking care of an elderly family member, a newborn child, a beneficiary or a friend, this compilation of exercises hopes to introduce imaginative interludes throughout their day, offering up a moment of respite and a suggestion of whimsy to their daily routines.
life mOvements - exercises for everyday moods expands on artist anGie Seah’s “life mOvements” project, which is inspired by the Chinese characters 活动 (huó dòng), where huó is to live, and dòng is to move. Through "exercises for everyday moods", this project encourages participants to rediscover environments through aural experiments of the familiar and the mundane, and reinvent the meaning of the everyday. The exercises take the form of Fluxus’ Event Scores, where they are presented as a visual prompt, a song, an activity using household objects, or a set of instructions. They have been thoughtfully developed for different moods of the day (e.g. when you sigh, when you cannot sleep, when you are antsy, when you are bored etc.), and at various turns, introduce moments of stillness, action, or pure silliness.
With life mOvements - exercises for everyday moods, we hope to offer caregivers a brief respite from their daily routines, to recognize the importance of varying moods, so as to offer emotional support and solidarity with each one of them.